die SYS_PC.txt von IGO8_PC
screen_x=792 -----> can use 800 here if embeding in RR
Try adding this to the pioneer.ini, make the number larger to smaller
increase the font size. I found this one last night, 20 is a definite
Also, this seems to work on iGO8. Shows direction of one way streets.
these are the settings you are looking for:
3d_scale_carmodel=1 (allows it to scale)
3dcarsizemin=4000 (smallest it can be)
3dcarsizemax=6000 (largest it can be)
3dcarsizemul=60000 (no clue)
If you set the carmodel=0 then it will not scale (the program works mostly
on boolean arguments, so 1=true, 0=false). Adjust the sizes in increments
of 1000 to find one that works for you.
Q. Can I change the size of the car cursor.
A. Short answer is yes, in the sys_pc.txt change these lines in the [map]
3d_scale_carmodel=1 (allows it to scale)
3dcarsizemin=4000 (smallest it can be)
3dcarsizemax=6000 (largest it can be)
3dcarsizemul=60000 (no clue)
Q. Change fontsize of the streets on the map?
A. In the sys_pc.txt file, in the [3d_config] section change this line:
roadsign_lines_per_screen=25 (larger number means smaller text)
tarting position of the program in the sys_pc.txt file in the [rawdisplay
section] by adding/modifying these lines:
Q. I get a guidance language error, WTF??
A. In sys_pc.txt, change use_big_lang_flag=1 to use_big_lang_flag=0. That
error is because the language file you have has no big flag image file.
Q. Can I set my Home position on the map without a GPS attached.
A. Yes, but you have to do it before you start the program the first time
or erase all of your files in the save folder and readjust any settings.
In the sys_pc.txt file in the [gps] section, enter the desired position in
decimal coords:
Q. how do I save the settings...ie the GPS settings don't remain
after a re-start?
A. (Rug) You have to put your gps settings in the sys_pc.txt file. Like
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update: 06.02.21